What is breathing meditation and what are the benefits? Art of Living Foundation explains this powerful and peaceful process.
breathing meditation is…
Breathing meditation is a practice that focuses on the physical, mental and spiritual process of inhaling and exhaling. Working with the breath helps to set a natural rhythm and flow for the mind and body. It also helps to calm your anxiety and regain focus by increasing awareness of the self and the surrounding.
The Physical Benefits of Breathing Meditation
regulate blood pressure
Embracing the ebb and flow of your breath is a full-body experience. In the mind, your worries are alleviated. But, of course, anxiety is something that can be just as physical as it is mental in effect. So when you achieve the calm that comes with focused and purposeful breathing techniques, you may also alleviate the physical symptoms brought on by anxiety. For example, practicing breathing meditation can help you lower your blood pressure.
By adopting breathing meditation techniques into your daily routine, you can start to calm and manage your anxiety. This is thanks to the powerfully cleansing effect of breath meditation, which naturally induces a relaxed, meditative state. The calm achieved through this assists you in increasing your awareness of the self — and your surroundings.
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